Jr and Sr High Youth Groups
The Junior and Senior High Youth Groups meet bi-monthly with Woodside Chapel. Check Weekly Services for all the current activities, dates and times.
Friday Club
Singing! Games! Bible Stories! Contests! Refreshments! Theme Nights! Sleepovers! Friday Club meets Friday Nights September – May 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Chapel. Open to Boys and Girls Grades 1 – 5
Sunday School
Open to children age 3 through grade 12, our 11am Sunday School program teaches children the Bible at age-appropriate levels. While the younger students learn the stories and basic Christian beliefs, the older students the practical application of the scriptures.
Summer Camps
Over the years the chapel has involved in many quality Christian camps, sending not just campers and families, but staff, counselors, program directors and even speakers to camps like Pine Bush (NY), Iroquoina (PA), and Greenwood Hills (PA).